Treffers 301 t/m 350 van 44,759
# | Aantekeningen | Verbonden met |
301 | witnesses at his wedding: Guillelmus Van de Velde, 'faber lignarius' (carpenter/charcoal burner) from Bruxellis Martinus Segers, 'operarius' (workman) from Strombeke | van de Velde, Laurentius (I120534)
302 | Worked as a 6th grade teacher in a girl's public school. | Wouters, Anna (I120060)
303 | Worked as a 7th grade teacher in a girl's public school in Auderghem, the school where her mother was principal. She also became principal of the school. | Wouters, Marie Therèse (I120059)
304 | Worked as a butcher. The only member of this family that did not live in Brussels in the 1930's -1940's. | Wouters, Louis Corneille (I120062)
305 | Worked as a sewing teacher in a girl's public school. | Wouters, Elisa (I120058)
306 | Worked as a teacher. Was a socialist (not popular in the family). | Duchêne, ? (I120075)
307 | Year XIII Werchter Birth Record #14: Birth Record of Marie Catherine Van Tongelen, born 8 Nivose, year thirteen of the French Republic, 5pm, daughter of Jean Francois Van Tongelen, maried, living in Werchter, profession marchal ferrand, age 35, born in Werchter and Marie Anne Van Tongelen, living in Werchter, age 38, born in Werchter. Witnesses: Jean Francois Vandertaelen, age 39, livin in Werchter section de L'eau, rue de Cimetiere, profession particulier. Joseph Loncen, age 28, livin in Werchter section de L'eau, rue de la grande, profession garde champetre signed J.Franciscus Van Tongelen J.F. Vandertaelen J. Loncen | van Tongelen, Maria Catharina (I120185)
308 | 1. Alfred `the Great' (1st/3rd King) of ENGLAND (849 - 899) 2. Edward (I) `the Elder' (King) of ENGLAND (873? - 925) 3. Edmund (Eadmund) I of ENGLAND (920? - 946) 4. Edgar `the Peaceful' (King) of ENGLAND (943? - 975) 5. Ethelred II `the Unready' (King) of ENGLAND (Wessex 968? - 1016 (or '10) London) 6. Edred (Prince) of ENGLAND () 7. Aethelreda (Princess) of ENGLAND (1042? - ?) 8. Waltheof MacCRINAN (Lord) de ALLERDALE (1072? - 1138?) 9. Gunnild MacCRINAN of DUNBAR (1104? (or '34) - ?) Husb. Uchtred (Lord) of GALLOWAY (1100? - 1174) 8. prob. Aldgytha (Edgitha) of NORTHUMBERLAND (1057? - ?) Husb. Eldred (Baron) of KENDAL () 2. Aefthryth (Elfrida) of WESSEX (870? - 929) 3. Arnold (Arnolph Earnwulf Arnulf) I de FLANDERS (FLEMING) (Flanders 890? - 964) 4. Baldwin (Baudouin) III de FLANDERS (935? - 962?) 5. Arnulf (Arnold Arnolph) II de FLANDERS (FLEMING) (961? - 987) 6. Arnold of FLANDERS (972? - ?) 7. Katherine of FLANDERS () 8. Alberic (I) `the Monk' de VERE (1033? - 1088?) 9. Aubrey (Alberic; II) de VERE (Essex 1072? - 1141 London) Wife. Adeliza (Alice) de CLARE (CLAIR) (1092 - 1163) 10. Rohese (Rohesia) de VERE (1109? - 1166+) 11. Andelicia (prob. de BEAUCHAMP) (1138? - ?) 12. Philippa MALBANK (1150? - ?) 13. Alice (Aliva Mabel) BASSET (1184? - 1263?) Husb. William (II) MALET (MALLET) (Somersets. 1176? - 1217?) 6. Baldwin IV `Fair Beard' de LILLE (980? - 1035) 7. Baldwin (Baudouin V) de LILLE (1013? - 1067) 8. Matilda (Maud) FLEMING (1032 - 1083) 9. Henry I BEAUCLERC (King) of ENGLAND (Yorks. 1068 - 1/12/1135 Rouen, France) 10. Robert (FitzROY; of GLOUCESTER) de CAEN (Normandy 1090? - 1147 Gloucests.) 11. Matilda (Maud) FitzROBERT de GLOUCESTER (1120? - 1189) 12. Hugh (de) KEVELIOC (Wales 1147 - 1181) 13. Agnes (de KEVELIOCK) de MESCHINES (1174? - 1247) 14. William III de FERRERS (1191? - 1254) Wife. Margaret (de) QUINCY (1218? - 1281 (or '84)) 15. Robert de FERRERS (1239 - 1279) 16. John (FERRARS) de FERRERS (Cardiff, Wales 1271 - 1312 Gascony) Wife. Hawise (Hawyse; de) MUSCEGROS (1276 - 1340) 17. Eleanor (Alianore) FERRERS (1305? - ?) 18. Thomas (Sir) LATHOM (Lancas. 1330? - 1382) 10. Elizabeth (Joan) of GLOUCESTER (1084? - ?) 11. Uchtred (Lord) of GALLOWAY (1100? - 1174) Wife. Gunnild MacCRINAN of DUNBAR (1104? (or '34) - ?) 12. Roland (Lachlan; Lord) of GALLOWAY (Perths., Scotl. 1135? (or '64) - 1200 Northampts.) Wife. Elena (Eleanora) de MORVILLE (MOREVILLE) (? - 1217) 13. Alan FitzROLAND (Lord) of GALLOWAY (1180? - 1234) 14. Helen (Alianora) of GALLOWAY (1205? - 1245+) 15. Margaret (de) QUINCY (1218? - 1281 (or '84)) Husb. William III de FERRERS (1191? - 1254) 4. Elstrude (Elftrude) de FLANDERS (932? - 965) 5. Hawise (Heloise) GUINES (958? - ?) 6. Gilbert `Crispin' (Count) de BRIENNE (985? - 1040) 7. Richard FitzGILBERT (de) CLARE (1035? - 1089) 8. Gilbert FitzRICHARD de CLARE (Suffolk 1065? - 1117) 9. Adeliza (Alice) de CLARE (CLAIR) (1092 - 1163) Husb. Aubrey (Alberic; II) de VERE (Essex 1072? - 1141 London) 7. Ivo (Ives) de TAILLEBOIS (Yorks. 1036? - 1094) 8. Eldred (Baron) of KENDAL () Wife. prob. Aldgytha (Edgitha) of NORTHUMBERLAND (1057? - ?) 9. Ketel (Ketal) (Baron) of KENDAL (1073? - 1150?) 10. Gilbert de LANCASTER (1089? - ?) 11. William (I) de LANCASTER (1105? - 1170?) 12. Avice (Avicia) de LANCASTER (? - 1191) 13. Elena (Eleanora) de MORVILLE (MOREVILLE) (? - 1217) Husb. Roland (Lachlan; Lord) of GALLOWAY (Perths., Scotl. 1135? (or '64) - 1200 Northampts.) 7. Hesillia CRISPIN (1041? - 1086) 8. Gilbert MALET (1064? - 1156?) 9. Robert MALET (1094? - 1156?) 10. William (Baron of) MALET (1125? - 1169?) 11. Gilbert (Baron) MALET (1150? - 1194?) 12. William (II) MALET (MALLET) (Somersets. 1176? - 1217?) Wife. Alice (Aliva Mabel) BASSET (1184? - 1263?) 13. Hawise (Hawisia) MALET (1200? - 1287) 14. John (Sir; de) MUSCEGROS (1232 - 1275) 15. Robert (Sir; of Charlton) de MUSCEGROS (1252? - 1280) 16. Hawise (Hawyse; de) MUSCEGROS (1276 - 1340) Husb. John (FERRARS) de FERRERS (Cardiff, Wales 1271 - 1312 Gascony) | de MUSCEGROS, Hawise (Hawyse) (I85390)
309 | 1. Hugh (Hugues) CAPET (King) of FRANCE (941 - 996) 2. Robert II CAPET (King) of FRANCE (Orleans 972 - 1031 Meulan) 3. Henry I CAPET (King) of FRANCE (1008 - 1060) 4. Hugh MAGNUS `the Great' de CREPI (1057? - 18/10/1101 Tarsus) 5. Isabelle (de) VERMANDOIS (1081? - 1131) 6. Robert II `Bossu' de BEAUMONT (BELLOMONT; BLANCHMAIN) (1104 - 1168) 7. Robert III de BEAUMONT (France 1124? - 1190 Albania) 8. Margaret FitzPERNEL de BEAUMONT (1154? - by 1235) 9. Roger de QUINCY (QUINCEY; QUENCY) (1195? (or '74) - 1264) Wife. Helen (Alianora) of GALLOWAY (1205? - 1245+) 10. Margaret (de) QUINCY (1218? - 1281 (or '84)) Husb. William III de FERRERS (1191? - 1254) 8. prob. Amice (Maud; Amicia) de BEAUMONT (? - 1168??) 9. Bertrade (de) MONTFORT (1155? - 1227) Husb. Hugh (de) KEVELIOC (Wales 1147 - 1181) 6. Gundred de WARREN (WARENNE) (1117? - 1166+) 7. Avice (Avicia) de LANCASTER (? - 1191) Husb. Richard (MOREVILLE) de MORVILLE (1143? - 1189?) 3. Alice CAPET (Princess) of FRANCE (1009 - 1079) 4. Matilda (Maud) FLEMING (1032 - 1083) 5. Henry I BEAUCLERC (King) of ENGLAND (Yorks. 1068 - 1/12/1135 Rouen, France) 6. Robert (FitzROY; of GLOUCESTER) de CAEN (Normandy 1090? - 1147 Gloucests.) 7. Matilda (Maud) FitzROBERT de GLOUCESTER (1120? - 1189) 8. Hugh (de) KEVELIOC (Wales 1147 - 1181) Wife. Bertrade (de) MONTFORT (1155? - 1227) 9. Agnes (de KEVELIOCK) de MESCHINES (1174? - 1247) 10. William III de FERRERS (1191? - 1254) Wife. Margaret (de) QUINCY (1218? - 1281 (or '84)) 11. Robert de FERRERS (1239 - 1279) 12. John (FERRARS) de FERRERS (Cardiff, Wales 1271 - 1312 Gascony) Wife. Hawise (Hawyse; de) MUSCEGROS (1276 - 1340) 13. Eleanor (Alianore) FERRERS (1305? - ?) 14. Thomas (Sir) LATHOM (Lancas. 1330? - 1382) 6. Elizabeth (Joan) of GLOUCESTER (1084? - ?) 7. Uchtred (Lord) of GALLOWAY (1100? - 1174) 8. Roland (Lachlan; Lord) of GALLOWAY (Perths., Scotl. 1135? (or '64) - 1200 Northampts.) Wife. Elena (Eleanora) de MORVILLE (MOREVILLE) (? - 1217) 9. Alan FitzROLAND (Lord) of GALLOWAY (1180? - 1234) 10. Helen (Alianora) of GALLOWAY (1205? - 1245+) Husb. Roger de QUINCY (QUINCEY; QUENCY) (1195? (or '74) - 1264) 2. Hedwige (Adwige Avoise) CAPET (Princess) of FRANCE (972? - 1013+) 3. Beatrix (de LORRAINE) of HAINAULT (998 - 1035+) 4. Adelaide (Isabelle) of ROUCY (1014? - 1063) 5. Marguerite de ROUCY (ROUCI) (1035? - 1110?) 6. Adeliza (Adelaide) CLAREMONT (1066? - 1117+) 7. Adeliza (Alice) de CLARE (CLAIR) (1092 - 1163) 8. Rohese (Rohesia) de VERE (1109? - 1166+) 9. Andelicia (prob. de BEAUCHAMP) (1138? - ?) 10. Philippa MALBANK (1150? - ?) 11. Alice (Aliva Mabel) BASSET (1184? - 1263?) 12. Hawise (Hawisia) MALET (1200? - 1287) 13. John (Sir; de) MUSCEGROS (1232 - 1275) 14. Robert (Sir; of Charlton) de MUSCEGROS (1252? - 1280) 15. Hawise (Hawyse; de) MUSCEGROS (1276 - 1340) Husb. John (FERRARS) de FERRERS (Cardiff, Wales 1271 - 1312 Gascony) 6. Ermentrude de CLERMONT () 7. Margaret (Maud of CHESTER) d' AVRANCHES (1053? - 1136?) 8. Matilda de MESCHINES () 9. Ibria d' ESTRIVERS () 10. William de ENGAINE () 11. Ada de ENGAYNE (1081? - ?) 12. Hugh de MORVILLE (MOREVILLE; MORVILL) (1105? - 1162) 13. Richard (MOREVILLE) de MORVILLE (1143? - 1189?) Wife. Avice (Avicia) de LANCASTER (? - 1191) 14. Elena (Eleanora) de MORVILLE (MOREVILLE) (? - 1217) Husb. Roland (Lachlan; Lord) of GALLOWAY (Perths., Scotl. 1135? (or '64) - 1200 Northampts.) | de Morville, Eleanore (I21726)
310 | "The Wolf of Badenoch & "Great Alexander", "son of the king"", "The Wolf Of Badenach", "The Wolf of /Badenoch/", "Alexander /Stewart/", "Earl Of Buchan & later Ross", "Wolf Of Badenoch /Alexander/", "Earl Of Buchan", "Wolf of Badenoch", "The Wolf of Badenoch" | Stewart, Alexander (I22995)
311 | Lord Mayor of London, He held the office of Lord Mayor of London from 1509 to 1510. | Capell, William (I85440)
312 | aka Ugaf of EGYPT; (srcs differ as to whether 12th Dynasty heiress was his mother or wife) Note: Records of 13th dynasty are very obscure; only well attested Kings are shown. During this dynasty the Middle Kingdom `fizzled' to an end. Until the New Kingdom was formed by the 18th dynasty, there were multiple ruling houses: thus there is considerable chronological overlap among the 13th - 17th dynasties. | 13th Dynasty, Wegaf (PHARAOH) (I84994)
313 | Burial: Abbey Church, St Albans, Kent, England | Percy, [EARL OF NORTHUMBERLAND]/ Henry (I39303)
314 | Burial: St Denys Church, York, Yorkshire, England | Percy, Henry [EARL OF NORTHUMBERLAND]/ (I32564)
315 | Huwgetuige: Demunter Sabina dochter bruidegom W Halle Huwgetuige: Demunter Gustaaf zoon bruidegom W Dworp | Gezin: Sebastianus Ferdinand Demunter / Theresia Vandergucht (F56476)
316 | 171st MONARCH of IRELAND | Donnchad (II) Donn MacFLAINN (I84632)
317 | 22nd Chief of Clan MacNEIL; aka Aedh Alainn `An Buirrche' | Aedh (Hugh) `an Buirrche' (2nd) of BARRA (I84645)
318 | 2nd King of the 22nd Dynasty of EGYPT; aka Sekhem-kheper-re; aka Sekhemkheperre Sepentre Osorkon I | Osorkon I (PHARAOH) the LIBYAN (I84904)
319 | aka Eochaid `the Steadfast'; `Constant Sighing'; 93rd MONARCH of IRELAND; slew Tachna Tathlioch | Eochaidh (IX) Feidlech (FEIDHLIOCH) MacFINN (I84588)
320 | progenitor of O'NEILL; aka Muircheartach MIDHEACH of TIR-EOGHAIN | Muirchertach MacDOMNAILL (King of MIDE) O'NAILL (I84638)
321 | `White Oxen'; 104th MONARCH of IRELAND | Fiache II (Fiachaidh IV) Fionnolaidh MacFEREDAIG (I84595)
322 | (MacCONLLA CLAMH) | Fiachu MacCONDLA (I84611)
323 | (Nabah); Solomon's 7th wife | Naamah (Princess) of the AMMONITES (I84214)
324 | 163rd MONARCH of IRELAND; father of MONARCH | Donnchad (I) Midi MacDOMNAILL (O'NEILL) (I84624)
325 | 1st/10th Earl of Lennox; Lord Darnley (DERNELEY) | Stewart of Darnley, John (I38157)
326 | 21st Chief of Clan MacNEIL | Niall (1st) of BARRA (I84644)
327 | aka Helena Bjoju | Heluna Bleja ELLUSDOTTER (I84848)
328 | `the Fox'; 169th MONARCH of IRELAND; (Flann-Sinna) | Flann Sionna MacMAEL SECHNAILL (I84630)
329 | (Aircid Arcadh Erha Ercha); Lord of GOTHLAND; King of GOTHIA | Earchada MacALLDOIT (King) of GEULIA (I84521)
330 | (Breatha Bracheus Bratha) King of GEULIA and GALICIA | Brath (MacDEATHA) of SPAIN (I84519)
331 | (de GASTINOIS; de CHATEAU-LANDON) | Aubri (III; Count in) de GATINAIS (I84732)
332 | (Eochu); 57th MONARCH of IRELAND | Eochaid (Eochaidh) (VII) MacAILELLA (I84485)
333 | (identified with a constellation) | Perseus of MYCENAE (I85088)
334 | (Laumon Laomainn Lamont Labman); eponym; poss. aka Fearchar | LAMONT, N.N. (I84650)
335 | (Nenual Nenuall); another version has Gothland in Black Sea marshes | Nenuaill (Nenal) (King) of GOTHLAND (I84524)
336 | (or is Edred uncle of Aethelreda, not father?) | van Wessex, Ethelread II the Unready (I16562)
337 | (son of Japheth in Nennius' ancient alternate genealogy); poss. same as Javan | Joham (I84560)
338 | (vizier of Mentuhotep III); aka Ammenemes PHARAOH of EGYPT | 12e dynastie van Egypte, Amenemhat I (I77052)
339 | (WINDIBANK); Lord of Haynes Hall | Windebank, [Sir] Thomas (I79542)
340 | 10th Grandmaster There is some dispute as to whether this person was male - suspect legnd only. | Frotmund (Frimutel) the GRAIL-KING (FISHER-KING) (I85193)
341 | 1st Lord Aubigny | John (Sir; of DARNLEY) STEWART (I84663)
342 | 2nd Earl of PEMBROKE; led the Norman invasion of Ireland | de Clare, Richard (I15747)
343 | aka Aedh VI `the Handy', Aodh of TIR-EOGHAIN | Aed Athlamhan O'NAILL (42nd King) of AILECH (I84641)
344 | aka Eadhne (Eanna) Muncain; aka Eanu Munchaoin; aka Anna Marighain; (Half-king) of MUNSTER | Enna Munchain MacLOCH (I84469)
345 | aka Fetheor MacAGNOMAIN; poss. related to Buri of Norse myth | Fethuir (Fetjuir, Fetebir I) (I84544)
346 | aka Francus the TROJAN | van de Cimmeriërs, Francus (I5575)
347 | aka Iomchadh MacFIONNCHAIDH | Imchatha (Imchad) MacFINDCHADA (I84603)
348 | aka Isabella FARLANE | Elizabeth (Lady of) LENNOX (I84662)
349 | aka Scotta MISR; eponym of SCOTLAND Note: The descent of early Irish Kings from 26th Dynasty Egypt may be factual: there are various circumstances linking Carians and Tyre-Carthage with Goidelic language and myth. | Scota Tephi (Princess) of EGYPT (I84668)
350 | aka Sru MacESRU | Esraa (Ezra) (I84556)