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# | Aantekeningen | Verbonden met |
1 | Huwgetuige: Demunter François broer bruidegom W Laken Huwgetuige: Goris Jacques (1820?) cultivateur schoonbroer bruid W Laken Huwcontract: op 09/02/1858 bij notaris Van Lentges te Laken Huwgetuige: Emmerechts Jean François cultivateur (1815?) neef bruid W Laken | Gezin: Jean Baptiste Demunter / Anna Maria Janssens (F56473)
2 | Muriel B. Dykstra FALL RIVER - Muriel B. "Sis" Dykstra, 87, died on Monday, Aug. 7, 2000, at Columbia Health Care Center, Wyocena. The funeral will be held on Thursday, Aug. 10, at 11 a.m., at St. Stephen's Ev. Lutheran Church, Fall River. The Rev. James Bolda will officiate. Burial will be in the Fall River Cemetery. Mrs. Dykstra was born on May 21, 1913, in the town of Fountain Prairie, the daughter of Emil and Dora (Summnicht) Hemling. She was married on Nov. 20, 1936, to Claude Dykstra. Mrs. Dykstra was employed by Columbus Community Hospital in housekeeping for many years until her retirement in 1984. She was a member of the Columbus Senior Center, St. Stephen's Ev. Lutheran Church and it's Ladies Aid. Survivors include five children, Eugene (Sandy), Roger, Mary, Gary (Joyce), Richard (Evelyn), all of Fall River; 17 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandson; two sisters, Virginia Birkenstock, Fall River, and Ruby Kirley, Milwaukee; nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Claude, in 1969; and one daughter, Susan. Friends may call on Wednesday, Aug. 9, from 4 to 8 p.m., at the Jones-Jensen Funeral Home, Columbus, and on Thursday, Aug. 10, from 10 a.m. until the time of service at St. Stephen's Ev. Lutheran Church. Memorials may be made to the St. Stephen's Church parking lot fund. | Hemling, Muriel Bertha Maria (Sis) (I193679)
3 | De molen kwam in 1815 in bezit van Andries Loos en werd na herstel opnieuw in gebruik genomen op Goede Vrijdag 1833. Bij die gelegenheid zou op de "roephoorn" (in familiebezit) zijn geblazen. In de molen is nog een balk te zien waarop de naam Paulus Loos staat | Loos, Andreas (Andries) (I202)
4 | heemraad te oost-barendrecht en de ziedewij 1587-1595. | Hordijk, Adriaen Jacobsz. (I192383)
5 | May 2, 1907; Shouke Dykstra's wife is seriously sick. May 23, 1907; The funeral of Mrs. Sjouke Dykstra was held Monday at Randolph Center. The young women, who was 19 years of age and been married only 8 weeks, died last Saturday, May 18, 1907 of Consumption (TB), at her home west of the center. | Havinga, Seaske (Sarah) (I193692)
6 | Moved from Brinkheurne, Gelderland, Netherlands (Holland) on July 10 of1872 to Clymer, New York. Their route from the Netherlands to Clymerwas: Port of Entry - Halifax, Virginia Stop over - Norfolk, Virginia By rail to Clymer, New York, arrived August 3, 1872. Total Fare for the trip $58.80. Naturalized as a US citizen on October 9, 1877 in Mayville, New York bycounty judge, Thomas Grosvenor. He was married to Gertruida Stemerdinkon 9 Oct 1868 in Winterswijk, Gelderland, Netherlands. From "History ofthe Groters Family, August, 1922": The country of Holland is divided into eleven provinces -- one of thelargest of these is Gelderland. It is located in the eastern centralpart. The Zuider Zee borders it on the northwestern side. In the easternpart of the province are three towns -- Borculo, Eiberg and Winterswijk.Borculo and Eiberg are almost the same city, being like Kansas City,Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri. As nearly as we can learn Borculo isabout the size of Corry and Winterswijk is about three times as large. The houses in Holland are built of brick. Each house has its name, puton when it is built. Sometimes the family living in the house take itsname for their own. Henry, John and Johanna Wilhelmina Huttenink Groters lived in Borculo.They had five children -- Emmert, Garrett John, Hendrika, Mina, and JohnWilliam We can find no trace of Emmert. Garrett John is better known to us asGrandfather Groters. Hendrika married a German and moved into Germany.Mina married a wealthy man whose name was TePellia and John William cameto America and settled in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Grandfather Groters was born in Borculo on March 29, 1844. His peoplelived on a small farm. He helped his father at times. When he was aboutseventeen years old he worked in a hotel as a livery man. Later heworked on a large farm near Winterswijk. Here His work was driving team.While there he met Gertrude Stemmerdink. All the young men in Hollandhad to enter military training at the age of 18, for a term of one yearand four months. This training was somewhat like the Boy Scout trainingof today. When this was over they were given a short furlough. Then theywent back for one year. This time they had real army training. At theend of this year they were given their leaves but did not get theirhonorable discharge until they were about 24. This gave the governmentauthority to call them back at any time in case of war, without draftingthem. John William Stemmerdink and his wife, Johanna Gertrude DamcottStemmerdink, lived in Winterswijk at Brinkherurne, 51. They had threegirls -- Gertrude, Amelia and Hannah. There were some boys but we couldfind no records of them. Gertrude as better known to us as GrandmotherGroters. Amelia married Henry Wiggers and lived in Clymer. Hannahmarried Henry Lammers and settled in Jamestown, NY Stemmerdinks lived ona small farm near Winterswijk. Grandmother was born May 11, 1846. shespent most of her younger days at home. Grandfather and Grandmother were married sometime in 1867. They livedwith her people in Winterswijk until they came to America. At that timewages in Holland were so small the a single man could barely supporthimself. A good worker could get $12 per year, while some could get only$4 per year. This made it almost impossible for a man to support afamily. This was the chief reason for so Many Hollanders coming toAmerica. On July 10, 1872, G.H. Wassink and family, G.J. Kruiselbrink and family,G.J. Groters, his wife and two children -- Hannah, aged nearly four andHenry, aged two, all started for America. Nowadays, people cross theocean on the big liners, but it was quite different then. These peoplecrossed in a sail-boat. When the wind was favorable, it carried the boatalong, but oftentimes they had to paddle. Each person paid $2.80 for asort of insurance. If they were taken sick and needed a doctor's care,this money was used to pay the doctor. About three weeks after they lefthome, they landed in Baltimore. Of course they could speak no English sothe railroad officials could not understand where they wanted to go.They were sent to Halifax, Virginia, where they stayed 24 hours. Fromthere they were sent to Norfolk where they spent another 24 hours. Theybrought a letter from Holland which mentioned Chautauqua County. Fromthis the railroad officials took it for granted that they wanted to comethis way and sent them to Pittsburgh. Not knowing to what part ofChautauqua County they wanted to go, they were given a ticket to Buffaloso as to be sure to get the full fare. Before they reached Corry, aGerman heard them talking the Holland language. He had been here aboutthree years and thinking perhaps he could help them, began visiting withthem. In the meanwhile George Ruslink had boarded the train. Heoverheard their conversation and knew he could help them. He learnedthey were to stop at Clymer and had tickets to Buffalo, so he explainedthe situation to the conductor and got back their overcharged fare. Thetotal fare from Holland to Clymer for one person was $58.80. At Clymer depot, they were met by J. Henry Legters who now livers intown. He took them to G. J. VanErden's who lived at the forks of thePlank Road. There they all spent their first night in Clymer, the nightof August 3, 1872. The next day Grandfather and his family moved to thehouse where George Gross now lives. There they settled upstairs andstayed during the winter. Grandfather earned his first dollar in Americaby thrashing with a flail in the barn on William Bensink's farm on StateLine. That fall he worked on the Panama Railroad section for $1.50 perday. In the winter he was laid off and began working in McKaye's tanneryon the farm now owned by Jim Beckerink. When not busy in the tannery,Grandfather worked at odd jobs for farmers. Herman Onink was one farmerfor whom he worked. He helped him thrash oats with a flail and also cutwood. Sometimes he spent the night with them and amused the children bydrawing pictures of animals. From this home, Aunt Sena's great-grandfather moved them to a betterhouse. This was on the Old Road near Will TeWinkle's, on the farm nowowned by Will Kruiselbrink. They packed all their dishes in a boiler anda one-horse sled carried all of their belongings. Grandfather was stillworking in McKaye's tannery during the day and doing his farm worknights. While living here, this tannery burned and grandfather beganworking in Knapp's tannery in town. Some of this tannery is nowMeyerink's grist mill. It was quite a distance from home to this tannery, so once more theymoved -- this time to a house on the farm where Will Damcott not lives.While there they bought their first horse and wagon. On New Year's Dayin 1877, Grandfather took his family for a ride on that wagon. They wentto Herman Onink's. They had no wagon box -- just a board from bolster tobolster for a seat. They enjoyed their ride as much as theirgrandchildren do in autos. On October 9, 1877, Harmonus Peeke and Arthur Beach went withGrandfather to Mayville to get his naturalization papers. ThomasGrosvenor was County Judge at the time. Soon after this, Grandfatherbought his farm on the Plank Road. The house stood near the orchard onthe hill. They lived there a short time and then moved the building downthe hill and across the road to where Korselman now lives. Grandfatherstill worked in the tannery. They lived in this place until the springof 1904. Then they sold their farm to Bill TeWinkle and bought the housein town where Bert Peck lives. Grandfather died there March 31, 1908.Grandmother stayed there with Fred and Samuel, a few years. Then shewent to live with Hannah and later with Garret. While there, she wastaken sick and went to stay with Anna. There she died June 27, 1912. Grandfather and Grandmother had eleven children -- Hannah, Henry,Jennie, Anna, William, Kate, Garrett, Minnie, Fred, Benjamin and Samuel.Benjamin died when he was three years old. They were always loyal churchpeople. In 1877, they joined the church on Clymer Hill. Three childrenwere baptized at that time. Eight of the children were baptized duringtheir membership there. In 1886, Grandfather was elected Deacon of thechurch. He held office until they took their letter to the Clymer Churchin the winter of 1888-89. After joining the Clymer Church, he waselected Elder for several years. He also taught a Sunday School class. -- History of the Groters Family, August, 1922 - | Groters, Garrit Jan (I124169)
7 | OO Decrem Servatius op 09/08/1921 te Rode | Vanderstichel, Margereta (I121033)
8 | OO Holzemer (Henricus?) | Vanderstichel, Eugenia Rosalia (I121031)
9 | Pa: Corneille † 11/12/1762 Alsemberg Ma: Van Craenenbroeck Petronille | Everaert, Francisca (I120949)
10 | Pa: Joannes Baptista Ma: Jaquemijns Catharina | Keyaert(s), Elisabetha (I120966)
11 | She and her husband had a coffee torrefaction and selling business. birth record: 1887 22 June ...Casimur Henricus Bosmans, age 29, gemunte onderwyser, born in Tremeloo, living here, declares with his wife Anna Catharina Jennes, huishoudster, age 33, born in Tremeloo, living here, name the child Valentina Leocadia. Witnesses: Carolus Claes, age 63, gemeente sekretary living in Auderghem, and Joannes Philippus Mangehem, age 41, Koster, living in this town. (signed C Bosmans, C Claes, J Mangehem) | Bosmans, Valentina Leocadia (I120640)
12 | zeilmaker te oud beijerland | Hordijck, Wijntje Ariensdr. (I191796)
13 | !Occupation: cultivateur (1804), landbouwer (1828) | van de Velde, Joannes Franciscus (I120134)
14 | !Occupation: dagwerker Adrianus Franciscus Beeck born 1/9/1753, Baal died 20/10/1829, Werchter 1829 Werchter Death Record: 1829, 21 October, 8am, before Andreas Van Roost Burgmeister, Ambtenaar of the town Werchter, district Leuven, province Suid-Braband, present Hendrik Wouters, 36, and Petrus Geens, 34, both dagwerkers living in this town, the first is son-in-law and the second an aquaintance, both living in this town, declare that Adrianius Franciscus Verbeeck, 78 years old, dagwerker, born in Bael and living in this town, widower of Anna Catharina Van Espen and son of the late Arnoldus Verbeeck and of the late Anna Maria De Hondt, died yesterday the 20 October at 11 Savonds, in his house in the town of Paer... Signed h. Wouters P. Geens | Beeck, Adrianus Franciscus (I120122)
15 | !Occupation: domestique de ferme (1820, Wemmel), journalier (1821), daglooner (1823, Sint-Stevens-Woluwe) godparents: Cornelius Segers of Jetta? , Maria Theresia Van de Velde of Bruxellis | van de Velde, Cornelius (I120532)
16 | !Occupation: ouvrier (1806, 1808), cultivateur (1810, 1812, 1816), journalier (1840) | Duson, Jean Baptiste (I120449)
17 | !Occupation: tisserand (1813) | Devaert, Jacobus (I120540)
18 | 1801 Werchter Birth Record #8 in French: born the 26 Nivose year 9, 11am, daughter of Pierre Wouters, married, living in Werchter, journalier, and Marie Therese Uytterhoeven, living in Werchter. Witnesses: Pierre Wouters, 37, living in Werchter section de L'Eau, rue Grand, profession journalier Jean Barnos, 36, living in Werchter, section de L'Eau, profession garde champetre (signed Petrus Wouters, X for Jean Barnos) | Wouters, Anna Maria (I120155)
19 | 1802 Werchter Birth Record #88 in French: born the 27 germinal, year 10, 8pm, daughter of Pierre Wouters, living in Werchter, journalier, and Marie Therese Uytterhoeven, living in Werchter. Witnesses: Jean Francois Vandertaelen, 37, living in Werchter section de L'Eau, rue de Bamitiore, profession particulier Joseph Loncin, 38, living in Werchter, section de L'Eau, profession garde champetre (signed J.F. Vandertaelen, J. Loncin) | Wouters, Catharina Theresia (I120156)
20 | 1802 Werchter death record: Mairie de Werchter, Arrondissement communal de Louvain, 25 Ventose year ten of the French Republic Death Act of Barbe t Jennes Celebatoire, died 25 Ventose at 9am, profession Journaliere, age 30, born in Werchter, Departement de La Dyle, living in Werchter daughter of Pierre Jennes and Jarie Van Loo. On the declaration made by Marie Van Loo, lvinig in Werchter, profession Journaliere, the mother of the deceased and by Jean Francois Vandertaelen, lving in Werchter, profession of particulier, an aquaintance of the deceased....signed x for Marie Van Loo who cannot write J.F.Vandertaelen | t'Jennes, Barbara Maria (I120145)
21 | 1804 Werchter Birth Record #13 in French: born the 5 nivose, year 13, 4am, son of Pierre Wouters, married, living in Werchter, journalier, age 40 and born in Werchter, and Marie Therese Uytterhoeven, living in Werchter, age 33, born in Bonheyde. Witnesses: Pierre Francois Van Reedt, age 52, living in Werchter, section du Sable, rue de Nijnde, profession journalier Jaques Uytterhoeven, age 32, living in Werchter, section du Sable, rue de Nijnde, profession journalier (signed Petrus Wouters, peeter francis Van ret, Jacobin Uytterhoeven) | Wouters, Jacobus Joannes (I120157)
22 | 1805 Werchter death record: Marie de Werchter, Arrondissement communal de Louvain, 2 Prairial year thirteen of the French Republic. Death Act of Marie Anne Vantongelen celibataire, died the 2nd day of the month of Prairial, at 4am, age 4, born in Werchter, Department of the Dyle, living in Werchter, daughter of Jean Francois Van tongelen and of Marie Anne Van tongelen. On the declaration made by Jean Francois Van tongelen, living in Werchter, profession marechal ferant, the father of the deceased and by Jean Baptiste Vanderstraten, living in Werchter, profession tailleur, an aquaintance of the deceased... Signed J. Franciscus Van Tongelen Joannes Baptista Vander Straeten | van Tongelen, Joanna Maria (I120182)
23 | 1807 Werchter Birth Record #17 in French: born the 13 Feb, 2am, son of Pierre Wouters, living in Werchter, departement of the Dyle, profession journalier, age 43, born in Werchter and Marie Therese Uytterhoeven, living in Werchter, department of the Dyle, profession journaliere, age 37, born in Bonheijden. Witnesses: Jean Francois Vandertaelen, 41, living in Werchter, profession particulier Antoine Van der Straeten, 21, living in Werchter, profession journalier (signed P. Wouters, J.F. Vandertaelen, A Vanderstraeten) | Wouters, Cornelius Antonius (I120158)
24 | 1809 Werchter Death Record: 6 January 1809, 3pm. Death Record for Marie Anne Van toongelen, married, died 6 January at 5am, profession journaliere, age 39, born in Werchter, department of the Dyle, living in Werchter, wife of Jean Francois Van Tongelen, daughter of Jean Francois Van Tongelen, profession journalier, living in Werchter, and the late Marie Vervoort, profession journaliere, living in Werchter. On the declaration of Jean Francois Van Tongelen, age 39, living in Werchter, profession marechal ferrant, the husband of the deceased and Jean Francois Vandertaelen, age 44, living in Werchter, profession particulier, friend of the deceased.... Signed J.F. Van Tongelen J.F. Vandertaelen | van Tongelen, Maria Anna (I120137)
25 | 1811 Werchter birth record #12 (in French): Birth record for Anna Marie Vercammen, "enfant natural" born 4 March at 2am to First witness: Pierre Bosmans, age 51, living in Werchter, profession mercier Second witness: Jean Francois Vandertaelen, age 46, lving in Werchter, profession particulier On the request made by Jean Francois Vercammen, the grandfather. (signed J.F. Vercammen, P.Bosmans, J.F.Vandertaelen) | Vercammen, Anne Marie (I120112)
26 | 1814 Werchter Death Record Year 1814, 3 August at 2pm. We have henri Corneille Vandertaelen mairie and officer of the Civil State of the town of Werchter, Canton haecht, Department of the Dyle. Presented by pierre Wouters, age 47, journalier, husband, and jean francois Vandertaelen particulier, age 48, friend, both living in this town. They have declared that Therese Uytterhoeven, age 43, wife of pierre Wouters described above, daughter of the late jean and of Elisabeth Verelst, has died today at 2am at her home...Signed P. Wouters J.F. Vandertaelen | Uijtterhoeven, Maria Theresia (I120051)
27 | 1818 Werchter Wedding record #14 (In French): ...pierre Joseph Jenne's, age 44, cultivateur, born and living in Werchter 15 Oct 1773, widower of anne marie Bruyninckx, deceased in Werchter, son of feus Pierre Jennes and of anne Marie Verlooy both deceased in Werchter and Anne Catherine Wouters, age 23, journaliere, born and living in Werchter 1 Nov 1794, daughter of Corneille Wouters and of anne Catherine Willems, cultivateurs, living in Werchter... Witnesses: Corneille Wouters, father, age 67, cultivateur, living in Werchter philippe Beul, age 49, secretaire de la mairie, living in Louvain Jean Francois Vandertaelen, age 50, organiste, living in Werchter Charles Joseph pierre Vanderbucken, age 50, fonduer, living in haacht. signed: X anne Catherine Wouters cannot write Pieter Jenes, Cornelus Wouters, P. Beul, C.j.P. Vander Bucken, J.F. Vandertaelen | Gezin: Petrus Josephus t'Jennes / Anna Catharina Wouters (F56312)
28 | 1821 Werchter Birth Record #74 (in French): Pierre Jennes, age 48, journalier living in ths town presented a son born 15 Sept 1821, 8am, he and ann Catherine Wouters, his wife, name the child Jean Francois Witnesses: henri helssen, age 50, Echevin, and Jean Francois Wouters, age 45, fermier, both living in this town, (signed Peter jennes, J.f. Wouters, H. Helssen) | Jennes, Jean Francois (I120133)
29 | 1824 Keerbergen Birth record #3 (in Dutch): Guilielmus Vandevelde, 26, daglooner, born in Bael, living in Keerbergen, present a son by him and Maria Barbara Van tongelen, his wife, with the name Franciscus... signed by the father and Witnesses: Francois Saetons, 64, landbouwer and Petrus Vervloet, 54, veldwachter, both living in Keerbergen | Vandevelde, Franciscus (I120087)
30 | 1824 Werchter Birth Record (in Dutch): ...Petrus Jennes, age 52, arbeyder living in Werchter presented a daughter born 7 Sep. He and Anna Catharina Wouters his wife give the the child the name Maria Catharina. Witnesses: Joannes Van Roost, age 36, landbouwer and Joannes Baptista Michils, age 25, Kleerdermaker, both living in Werchter (signed P. Jennes, J.V.Roost, J.B. Michiels) Married Joannes Baptist Van Casteren in Tremelo on 28 Nov 1845 She was age: 21. He was age: 29, born in Werchter, son of Andreas and Joanna Hache. | Jennes, Maria Catherina (I120086)
31 | 1829 Werchter Birth record #87 (in Dutch): Petrus Jennes, age 55, landbouwer, born and living in the town presents a boy born yesterday, 15 August, 8am, he and Anna Catherina Wouters, age 35, landbouwster, born and living in the town, his wife, name the boy Joannes Baptista. Witnesses: Arnoldus Verhoeven, age 49 and Hendrik Leempoels, age 35, both landbouwers living in the town. (signed P. Jennes, A. Verhoeven, Henricus Leempoels) | Jennes, Joannes Baptista (I120114)
32 | 1830 Tremelo Marriage Record: 1839, 20 March in Tremeloo, wedding between Franciscus Van Hoove, widower of Anna Elizabetha Peeters and of Joanna Brouwers, age 54, born in Werchter, son of Petrus and Joanna Goris and Joanna Theresia Van De Velde, age 39, born in Baal, daughter of Joannes Franciscus and Anna-Maria Van Elderin | van de Velde, Theresia (I120212)
33 | 1832 Werchter Birth Record #107 (in Dutch): ...Petrus Jennes, age 54, landbouwer, presented a son born 1 Nov., 9am, he and Anna Catharina Wouters aged 38, landbouwster, born and living in the town, his wife, give the boy the name Cornelius. Witnesses: Cornelius Van Roost, age 39, landbouwer, living in this town, and Joannes Van Roost, age 44, landbouwer, living in this town. (signed P Jenes, J Vanroost, C. Van Roost) | Jennes, Cornelius (I120116)
34 | 1833 Werchter Birth Record Guilielmus Vandevelde born in Bael, age 37, landbouwer, living in Keerbergen presents a son born 20 Feb to him and Maria Barbara Vantongelen born in Werchter, his wife; they will give the name Pipinus... Witnesses: Egiduis Deroye, age 52, profession assessor, living in Keerbergen, and Guillielmus Van Camp, age 44, profession veldwatchter, living in Keerbergen. | Vandevelde, Pipinus (I120091)
35 | 1834 Werchter Birth Record: 26 September 1834 9am, ...Cornelius Vanden Eynde, age 30, profession handwerker, living in this town, presents a son born yesterday the 25 September at 12 noon by him and by Anna Maria Vercammen, age 23, werkersse, born and living in this town, his wife. They will name the son Petrus. Witnesses: Antonius Ludovicus Van Leemputten, age 46, profession landbouwer, living in the town, and Cornelius Van Roost, age 41, profession landbouwer, living in the town. ...Signed (father cannot write) A.L. Van Leemputten C. Van Roost | vanden Eynde, Petrus (I120173)
36 | 1834 Werchter Birth Record: 7 December 1834, 5pm, before Andres Vanroost, Burgemeister...Petrus Evermondus Wouters, age 24, profession handwerker, living in this town, presents a daughter born yesterday 6 December at 7:30 savonds by him and by Maria Anna Obdebeeck, age 35, profession werkesse, born and living in this town, his wife. They will name the child Joanna Maria. Witness: Joannes Baptista Michiels, age 37, profession Kleermaeker, living in town, and Henricus Helfsen, age 64, profession schooenmaeker, living in town. Signed (the father cannot write) J.B. Michiels H Helfsen | Wouters, Joanna Maria (I120174)
37 | 1835 Werchter Birth Record: 26 March 1835....Petrus Jennes, age 61, profession biertapper, living in the town, presents a son born yesterday the 25 March at 7 s'avonds by hime and by Catharina Wouters age 40, werkersse born and living in this town, his wife. They will name the child Rosalia. Witnesses: Arnoldus Verhoeven, age 59, profession landbouwer, living in the town, and Antonius Ludovicus Van Leemputten, age 47, profession landbouwer, living in the town... Signed P Jennes A Verhoeven A L Van Leemputten | Jennes, Rosalia (Melania) (I120117)
38 | 1836 Werchter Birth Record: 12 November 1836, 10am.... Petrus Jennes, age 64, profession biertapper, living in the town, presents a daughter born yesterday to him and Anna Catharina Wouters, age 43, landbouwster in Werchter, his wife. They will give the child the name Amelia. Witnesses: Joannes Baptista Holemans, age 24, profession secretaris, living in the town, and Petrus Loncin, age 34, profession ontvanger, living in the town....Signed P Jennes J holemans P Loncin Married Ludovicus Deryck in Tremelo on 7 Aug 1862. She was age: 26. He was age: 27, born in Baal, son of Joannes and Maria Theresia Van Camp. | Jennes, Amelia (Eulalia) (I120083)
39 | 1837 Werchter Birth Record: 20 August 1837, 11am....Petrus Everardus Wouters, age 27, profession landbouwer, living in the town, presents a daughter born yesterday at 10pm to him and to Maria Anna Opdebeek, age 38, landbouwster in the town, his wife. They will give the child the name Anna Elisabetha... Witnesses: Guilielmus Dionisius Heylighen, age 29, profession veldwachter, living in the town, and Simon Wouters, age 62, profession schepen, living in the town. Signed (father cannot write) GD. heylighen S. Wouters | Wouters, Anna Elisabetha (I120175)
40 | 1839 Tremelo Birth Record #59: 1839 25 September in Tremelo is born Van De Velde, Coleta, dauger of Guilielmus, born in Bael, and Van Tongelen, Maria Barbara, his wife, born in Tremelo. | Vandevelde, Coleta (I120082)
41 | 1840 Tremelo Birth Record #14: 1840, 16 March in Tremelo is born Jennes, Guilielmus, son of Petrus and Wouters, Anna Catharina, his wife, born in Tremeloo | Jennes, Guilielmus (I120084)
42 | 1844 Tremelo Marriage Record #7: 1844 21 April, Married Joannes Baptista Claessens, agd 27, born in Antwerpen | Vandevelde, Angelina (I120163)
43 | 1849 Werchter Death Record 11 January 1849, 6am... presents Petrus Evermundus Wouters, age 39, profession landbouwer, living in Werchter, husband, the death, and NorbertusWouters, age 53, profession Schepen, born and living in the town, the death. We declare that Anna Maria Obdebeeck, age 40, landbouwster, born and living in Werchter, husband of the first presenter, daughter of the late Franciscus and the late Catharina Van Espen, died today at 3pm in her home in Werchter, wyk Grootestraet.... Signed (P Wouters cannot write) N Wouters | op De Beeck, Maria Anna (I120110)
44 | 1854 Tremelo Birth Record #24: 1854, 28 May, born Anna Catharina Jennes, daughter of Petrus and Rosalia Vandevelde | Jennes, Anna Catharina (I120049)
45 | 1854 Tremelo Marriage Record #2: 1854, 22 Feb, in Tremeloo: Petrus Jennes, age 27, son of Petrus and Anna Catharina Wouters Rosalia Vande velde, age 28, daughter of Guilielmus and Barbara Van tongeren | Gezin: Petrus Jennes / Rosalia Vandevelde (F56316)
46 | 1855 Tremelo Birth Record #55: 1855, 19 December in Tremeloo, born: Maria Leocadia, Jennes daughter of Petrus and Rosalia, Vande Velde | Jennes, Maria Leocadia (I120030)
47 | 1855 Tremelo Marriage Record #11: 1855, 15 November, in Tremeloo, Ludovicus Cornelius Wauters, age 23, born in Werchter, son of Petrus and Maria Obdebeck, Joanna Maria Vanden Eynde, age 23, daughter of Cornelius and Maria Vercammen | Gezin: Cornelius Ludovicus Wouters / Joanna Maria vanden Eynde (F56321)
48 | 1857 Baal Birth Record #25: Petrus Jennes, age 31, landbouwer, born in Werchter, living in Bael, presents a son born 9 September by him and Rosalia Vande Velde age 32, landbouwster, living in Bael, his wife, given the name Cornelius. Witnesses: Guilielmus Goossens, 41, veldwachter, living in Bael, and Felix Verlinden, 26, landbouwer, living in this town. Cornelius married 7 Aug 1878 in Tremelo at age 21 to Catharina Elisabeth De Cock (age 24, born in Tremelo on 16 Apr 1854 , daugher of Petrus & Theresia Vandyck) Children by 1880, born in Tremelo: Petrus Nov. 1878 Charolus 1880 | Jennes, Cornelius (I120045)
49 | 1858 Tremelo Birth Record #79: 1859 16 December in Tremelo is born: Joanna Cornelia, Wauters, daughter of Ludovicus and Joanna, Vanden Eynden, his wife. | Wauters, Joanna Cornelia (I120108)
50 | 1859 Bael Birth Record #1 ...Petrus Jennes, 33, landbouwer, born in Werchter, living in Bael, presents a son by him and Rosalia Vande Velde, 34, landbouwster, living in Bael, his wife, named Lambertus. Witnesses: Franciscus Uytterhoeven, 39, profession onderwyker, living in Bael, and Guilielmus Goossens, 42, veldwachter, living in this town... | Jennes, Lambertus (I120093)