Na afloop van mijn stage bij het Comité van de Regio’s schreef ik onderstaand verslagje.



On 1 March 1995, I started my five months’ stage at the Committee of the Regions’ Directorate for Inter-Institutional and External Affairs, under the supervision of the head of unit, Mr. J. GARCIA-PETIT.

The tasks I was given gave me the opportunity to learn a lot about the Committee of the Regions’ work, its structure and its position in the European framework, as well as about European politics in general, notably concerning the preparation for the Intergovernmental Conference of 1996.

My main tasks are listed below. I was always kept busy, but I also had the opportunity to look around and do my own research, which made the stage into a good learning experience. Furthermore, I was involved in the work the staff did, by letting me attend meetings and doing research for them.


The work I did during my stage was very diverse. I will highlight here some interesting tasks.

  • One of my major assignments was writing a report concerning the relations between the European Parliament and the Committee of the Regions. This report was, along with relevant COR and EP documents, sent to the members of the Committee, to inform them in preparation for the speech of the President of the European Parliament, Klaus HÄNSCH, at the Committee’s plenary session of 19-20 July 1995.
  • A second task was the answering of letters, sent by external individuals and institutions from various countries inside and outside the European Union, who asked for general as well as more specialised information concerning the Committee of the Regions. Especially in the beginning of the stage this was interesting, because I had to do research to be able to answer the letters. In the process, I also learnt a lot.
  • An important activity throughout the stage was retrieving information and documents from inside as well as outside the COR and ECOSOC buildings. Also, I attended several meetings in the European Parliament, such as one of the Institutional Commission. Furthermore, I visited the Committee of the Regions’ plenary sessions of 20-21 April and 19-20 July 1995.
  • On 18 May, I did a presentation on the works of the Committee of the Regions for a Swedish visitors’ group.
  • Finally, I was given various smaller tasks in the secretariat, such as compiling membership lists of European Parliament Commissions, updating the list of representations of regions in Brussels.


To me, the stage was an interesting as well as a pleasant experience. Interesting, because I was in the Inter-Institutional Directorate in a time where the new Committee of the Regions was positioning itself among the other European institutions. Thus, a lot of activity was going on.

Pleasant, because I enjoyed very much working with the staff and the head of unit, who were always very friendly and patient with me.

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